Thank you all

Only 19,000?
You are slipping Memike.
Congrats bud, and you are the most entertaining poster here! I always enjoy your comments and pics.
We should start a pool for when you reach 20,000.
My guess is for November 15th the way you are going.
Any takers?
All proceeds go to Memike's Victoria fund or a charity of his choice!
Thank you Dartnut, Victoria is like a wedding band to me, I hope I make everyone proud when she get's closer to completing my 1966 Victorious cruiser that I have been making some changes to :happy10:

Mike I think we all owe you a big thank you. Reason: As it was stated before you have a little something special about ya. And believe it or not it tends to bring the best outta people. I have to be honest when the time came that everyone pooled money and made Victoria happen for you, I was truley taken back by the generosity of people and it helped me realize that there are still plenty of absolutly, genuinely, nice people still.
It kinda gave a renewed sence of hope!
So... NO, Mike, thank you!
I was blown away and the night it all happened I could not keep a dry eye so out side by a tree and a cold beer in the dark on the hill I seen that things sure aren't all bad in the world and nothing like this has ever happened to me.
I found out that few days how hard it is to receive :pale:
It's so much fun and easier to give, But to receive such a great gift was one of the most hart warning and hardest thing for me to deal with till all the words of wisdom came pouring in.
Thank you 4mula, Hope and dreams keep this man happy :happy10:

:drinkers: Memike, if there's ever (another) good reason to drink a toast to you, this is it!

Always look forward to keeping up with what's happening in your corner of the world, and always appreciate your good words to all that are on here.

I agree, It's time to raise a frosted mug to all the great folks here and to you Grant, Let's enjoy life as it come's one day at a time so to the fridge I am going and dig out a frosted mug from the freezer :hello2::drinkers:

what can I say that hasnt been said? Your Awesome and stick around!!
Back at cha needsaresto :happy10:
Thank you for all you have dun for me and the members here my friend :happy10:

It's been a pleasure getting to know you through this site, maybe one day we'll meet in person, you should do a FABO tour :-D
It's been all mine Rob :happy10: The day will come when Victoria and I will make a 4 week tour to meet as many folks here that I can :happy10: It's in my plan's :cheers: The day will be here before we know it Brother :cheers: