Lifter problems????

Not to Hi-jack the post but my new less then 1000mile 360 has had bad lifters since day 1.

Racer brown adjustable rockers, Smith brothers pushrods and Johnson Lifters.

Set and re-set and re-set all of them no better they all clattered.

Got a new set of 16 from the engine builder tossed them in set and good untill its hot. #8 Intake ticks when rpm drops to idle. Still makeing like 40-45psi oil pressure hot @ idle and up to 60-65 with rpm.

I too was told to use straight 30weight -where do I even find such a beast- or 20-50 Needless to say I run castrol 10w-40

I'm told composite lifters are the way to roll but the price scares me. I can't imagine everyone else has this issue.