
I can't believe this...why does she instant message me on Facebook??? Like just a little bit ago today, we started talking through instant messaging, after we hadnt talked for a few days......she engaged me first..and says

"lol all trying to act like youve been all active for a long time your a totally changed to james...its only been a week and a half lmao....annnyways
im glad your doing good for yourself though im not tryin to be a hater"

"im just done being a broken record, we werent what i wanted and that was a problem....we always faught about it..i didnt see us doing any better...

yadda yadda yadda...and the conversation goes on and on between us...I just dont get why she messaged me...what the hell...she says something about this dude that was in her car with her, and i saw him with her driving her car, like i used shes trying to hurt me even more...