
Sounds like she is out to play games and like another member mentioned earlier she is trying to justify the wrong she did to she is probably trying to stir the pot and get you mad enough to lash out so she can make you look like the bad guy and make herself feel ok about what she did.

By the sounds of it....if she is the type to be playing games than you are probably better off without her.....just be glad she only wasted a year or so of your time and not 2 or 3 or 4 years and so on.

I think you may find that it will be easier on your heart to delete her as friend on facebook and to maybe block her phone number so she cant try to screw with your emotions any further.

I would say try to work it out if maybe the two of you had mutually came to an agreement to separate and that you two needed to work on some things.

But it looks like its not that way and maybe she just does not want to be tied down and maybe it doesnt bother her to be cold hearted.

all you can do is be better than that and do the best you can to move on and focus on you and your happiness.

good luck and don't let her get to you with the games