
I can't believe this...why does she instant message me on Facebook??? Like just a little bit ago today, we started talking through instant messaging, after we hadnt talked for a few days......she engaged me first..and says

"lol all trying to act like youve been all active for a long time your a totally changed to james...its only been a week and a half lmao....annnyways
im glad your doing good for yourself though im not tryin to be a hater"

"im just done being a broken record, we werent what i wanted and that was a problem....we always faught about it..i didnt see us doing any better...

yadda yadda yadda...and the conversation goes on and on between us...I just dont get why she messaged me...what the hell...she says something about this dude that was in her car with her, and i saw him with her driving her car, like i used shes trying to hurt me even more...


Dude, believe me....turn your head and dont look back brother.
I went through the same **** when I was younger. Ended up taking a ride downtown...

All this chick did was screw with my head and same thing....saw her around with all these retards and whatnot. We had a lot of the same friends too so I was constantly hearing ****...

I'm a boxer for over 20 years it's nothing to make a huge mess if I freak. One night the wrong button was pushed and I found her at a party drunk (I cant stand an out of control drunk and she was) and slutting it up with some punk. When I went to tell her what I thought of her, some tough guys intervened and I freaked, wrecked them and half the place too...

Then I had to hear my dad telling me how he told me she wasnt worth it and how stupid I was while walking out of the police station with those idiot cops telling me how I should listen to my dad.....and then feeling bad at how dumb I was.:angry7:

They'll do anything they can to make you look like the bad guy, and you know, if you play into it, you won't end up with much of a leg to stand on now will you.

Finish your mopar....and you'll have a bunch of new ones lined up!!!
You wont even think about this crap afterwards.:-D

I'm happily married for like 14 years now just the other day.
And every time I think about stuff like this, I wonder just what the hell I was thinking.:angry7:

One more time brother...forget it! Don't look back!