
Any time I went through a breakup, I stuck to one hard fast rule. It's over. Dont look back. Dont go back. Dont give her another chance to do what she did, again. If she doesnt care enough about you to try and work it out without leaving, she's not the right one.

It hurts, but it only hurts one time, so you might as well get it over with, and never have to worry about it again. You cant trust her now. She might come back, and then do the same thing again, and again. No matter how you feel about her, that thought will always be in the back of your mind.

The only reason for her contacting you is selfish. She misses you, and wants to keep in touch to make her feel better while she find someone else. She also wants to control you, and find out of you are seeing anyone else, also a form of control.

By her own admission, she doesnt like you the way you are. So in other words, she want you to change. You deserve someone that loves you for who you are, not who you should be, could be ,etc.

Completely ignore her. You WILL find someone else. A clean slate is the best way to go.