
Good advice.

I was pushed and hurt so bad once by her continued antics I started planning a way of killing the stupid ***** and anyone that gets in my way. Luckily I had some good friends that said and did the right things in order for me to return to sane thinking. Yeah I'm a crazy S.O.B. You don't believe you will ever think like that? Well continue talking to her and such and see what happens.

I have felt this too...Planning a way of killing her, thinking it out in my mind......But, don't worry guys, I totally won't do it. I would be done for good...I get pissed off each time I see her Facebook...I know you guys tell me to stop looking at her page, but I get these little notices marked in red at the top of the screen...(you guys who have facebook know what I'm talking about) I just read all the hate mail and negative comments about me on her page this morning...Lots of "lol's, and "yea, i like ur status, because ur not with james", and she's agreeing, and saying "hahaha YEA!!!" What a frickin <delete>! Gets me so mad...Anyways, you guys are right...I will not look at her page.. I'll try to delete her....