I know that the 360's are more tourqey in general but were would you say the best power band is for your motor. Mine revs no problem and Im looking for a bit more low-mid power....pretty much fighting the argument for a cam..haha
I don't have a lot to compare it to, but with the 904 behind it it really was strong from bottom to top. It comes on best over 2K though and will pull hard all the way up. I don't have a really good feel for the entire range because i've been fighting transmission woes, and have been finishing the 4 speed conversion over the last few months. The 904 had an 11" PTC 3000 stall converter in it, and really from a stop on up it was strong, normal street driving or full throttle blast. I have no complaints about low end, and definitely no complaints for mid to top end. Strongest though starting at 2k and going up.