
Dude.....I have read this 4 times now and I have to chime in. I lived it like many others who respond to you.

I can't believe you haven't gone out and gotten a new POA by now.

You have wasted 3 days whining about this stupid <delete> who is bent on wrecking you if you let her.

Every person on here who has told you to move on deserves a NOBEL PRIZE for intelligent responses.

There is nothing left but new days.

I went through this 4 times before I was 28.

Im 45 now and married HAPPILY for 12 years and forever to come. Do the math.

Grow up then get your girl and you will live HEA like the rest of us on here that did the same.

Time to end this thread.......and start a new one Monday.

No disrespect but.....c'mon. Ther is so much A$$ in the world...take it out on deserves and needs it.
