
dude move on man, and it seems like your headed in the right direction...if the <delete> has to talk <delete> on facebook about you publicly, she is a first class gutter <delete> seeking attention and trying to make you feel like <delete>...DONT FEEL LIKE <delete>! shes the <delete> without the guy who cares about her now, not the other way around...your only goals in life should now be- building and finishing that sick *** dart, driving the cuda, and plugging any smokin babe you see...and man, who cares about you promising to drive her- your dart will be a magnet for all kinds of attention, good and bad, meaning nice *** in the passenger drive it around, enjoy the ladies who want a ride, let them ride you in the backseat, and as the cherry on top maybe you'll pass by the ex with the newfound hotty(s) in the car...the look on her face then will be priceless...

oh, and one more not listen to sobbing music, its just gonna make you feel crappier...dont know what your into, but for me i listen to metal, and nothing beats cranking up some thrash or power metal when in your in that kinda you the energy to feel you OWN the world LOL

good luck man! were all here for ya!