
Stay occupied (your head) both of them, there's always a colder beer and a hotter piece around the corner, trust me, been there done that, the hardest part is being alone with your thoughts, (stinkin thinkin) it ain't easy and ya gotta do this mostly by yourself. if it's meant to be it will be, but don't dwell on that sheite.
Last breakup i had, i sat in the shop drinkin'and shootin' at the ceiling, didn't get me anywhere and i coulda really f'ed things up for my self.
hang in there, stay in touch with friends and try not to spend time alone and drinking.

I'm a 63 yr old vet, and age and experience not have sheite to do with it, loves the greatest and it also sucks big time, make samne dudes do some stipid sheite, don't be one of them (us)

You make it, your a man ain't ya!!!!!!!!