canada customs

To be honest your package is prolly not sitting at CBSA customs. 99% of the time it's sitting in a Postal warehouse waiting for enough mail to go your way so they can fill one truck. Thats why ground shipping sucks.

I'm glad I really don't know alot of you personally, as I'd be conflicted on what to do when I see you since you've admitted to smuggling over 13% in taxes. Is your life, job and shame not worth more than 13% taxes and a fine or even jail time? Seriously?

Here's a tip for you. Remember your exemptions, at 24 hours across you get $50 or less. If spend over $50 you have to pay taxes on the full amount.

At 48 hours you get a $400 exemption plus you can bring back a bottle of alcohol or a case of beer and a carton of cigerettes.

At 7 days or more you can bring back $750 worth of goods plus a bottle/case and a carton.

*** More info:

I do what 340swinger does. I have my packages shipping to a US destination and I go over and pick them up and pay my taxes on the way back. Remember not all officer's are bad guys, some might even let you go with what you declare.
