Much Needed Topless 41 Yr Old Cosmetic Surgery

Ok so I was back up to the Mopar Surgeon to see how the surgery was coming on my topless darlin'. They got the torque boxes in, got it epoxy'd and got the trunk pan set in. Floor pan, 4 spd hump, new inners are done and everything seam sealed. Found my nos 1/4 for ds, waiting for it to show up, then they can hang it and finish the trunk pan. They slowed down on it a bit, which is fine cuz my wallet, needed to come up for air!!LOL I think I may have went extreme with all the steel, cuz the floor I think was repairable, as well as some other steel, but this will guarantee it never needs to be done again. Plus with the floor out they can get at the frame, clean it up and give it a spray. Hopefully I will get up there in the next couple weeks again to see the progress and get some shots with the 1/4 hung.


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