Today's adventure....

That's about par for the course.. in my area they keep hiring cute little girls to work the counters in the chain stores. You explain it to them 4 times while they look at you with a blank, bovine stare and eventually start clicking on the keyboard. They've never been under the hood of a car in their life and have no clue, they're just earning minimum wage and looking decorative. I used to sell parts in the 80's when I was in college and we were actually expected to KNOW something about cars. We sold parts, gave advice, diagnosed problems over the phone, and on and on. Today you walk in knowing exactly what you need and still have to send them back to the shelves 3 times to get the right part. I don't dare walk in anymore without the old part, and that's even on my "modern" cars. On the other hand, you can throw them any old greasy leftover part for a core, and they don't know the difference.. lol.