Car show season (and the people they bring out) around the corner

I had a good time one night listening to a guy explain to his G/F or Wife what each gadget, doo-dad, and go fast goodie was on my car.
She kept asking, "What's that?" "Oh, that's the tach", "A tack?", what does that do?
"It tells the engine RPM."..."RPM? what's RPM?", and on and on, it was cute.

Yes, there just as many if not more good experiences out there than bad.

I agree... we love when people come up to our car with their kids and show them things and try teaching them. Even adults like you mentioned... anyone that's really interested. We're always happy to talk to people and teach them things or tell them the difference between a 68 and 69 roadrunner and so on. Those are the kind of people ya like to see.