Today's adventure....

Guys it's our fault the consumer for this problem. We, as the general public have demanded more inexpensive products, and because of this we have also gotten cheap products. The manufacturers have gone overseas for their product in an effort to compete with the wally world type companies, this worked for awhile. Know in an effort to stay profitable the companies hire unexperianced help because they are cheaper than hiring qualified help. We are the only ones that can stop this by not patronizing the low cost wally world type businesses and go back to spending a little more at the mom & pop type high service orientated businesses.
I know there are exceptions to every rule but for the most part this is true on the two business types. After you find a company that is treating you right let them know that they are doing a good job and to keep it up. We are all quick to hammer on someone when they do something wrong but never give credit were credit is due. This is the only way it will turn around. Other than blowing up china.
