Tranny ID help needed

Chrysler used what they called a 10,000 day calender for build dates. In 1974 the number on 1/1/1974 was 5620. So you take your number, 5741 and subtract 5620 and you get 121. That means your trans was built on the 121 day of 1974. 5-1-1974. I have a chart that shows what the number is on the first day of the year. If I remember correctly this started in 1961. Hope this helps you understand.

OK now I understand.

thanks so much for the help!\

I actually believe it or not....went to the website you told me about....I even clicked on the link that takes you to the tranny info.....but I seen the first part that showed how to identify a 904 from a 727 by the shape or the pan and figured thats all there was to that page and did not bother scrolling down LOL.... thats what I get i suppose lol
Thanks again