Australian P.M. does it again

The Supreme Court of Canuckistan ruled many years ago that turbans and scruffy beards were permissible as part of the RCMP uniform. They have thus turned a non-sectarian uniform, originally based upon the British army uniform, into a platform for minority religious crap.

Regarding wimpy women where they should not be, I know a former Mountie who left the force after 15 years. He was almost killed by a group of native Indians and the bimbo assigned to him as a partner did not lift a finger to help. She jumped in the squad car and locked the doors. She had refused to help because she was also a native Indian, claiming "These are my people...". (Fortunately, he was saved from these two carloads of thugs when a tow truck driver showed up and jumped out with a shovel. He cracked skulls with the shovel until the problem was solved.)

The Mountie quit soon thereafter and he says that admitting women to the RCMP was the worst thing they ever did. The useless bimbo was terminated from the force the very day after the violent incident but why was she admitted in the first place?

Tell me about it next we'll have mountie's wearing turbans and tiny little women cops who can't get the job done without weapons or fire fighters to weak and puny to perform a simple carry rescue or civil servants who don't speak fluent english or........damn now you got me going grrrrrrr

PS if the red dot Indians can carry giant daggers on their belt because it's tradition why can't I carry a rifle over my shoulder and rule over them ? -after all it's our tradition