$ price of life $

So you think our government didn't know about Toyotas problems before the Cash For Clunkers program ? I believe we all would have known beforehand if so many Toyotas weren't built right here in the U.S.
To provide gov. assisted sales and steering the buyers away from Toyota at the same time might have prompted them to close all of their plants here.
I also believe any foreign industry would pull out of the states at the drop of a hat. They do us a favor by providing jobs here. Arragements, concessions, whatever you wish to call it, government is business. Business is money.
Toyota sales numbers were very high last month..We sold 300 new cars and 130 used cars at the toyota store I work at..All auto makers have there share of recalls..And this one was blown way out of porportion..The guy with the prius in CA was a fraud case, the family of 4 who were killed in the lexus was proven the rubber after market mat was the cause, and there are so many more proven cases out there that were fraud..Trust me, they have had a few cases I am sure but it was way blown out and everyone will see soon enough on a up coming tv special...What happened to abc and the reporter who bashed toyota, hmmm he has not been back on the air since then? Enough is enough, toyota spends billions of dollors here in the US and supports Over a million people..