$ price of life $

So you think our government didn't know about Toyotas problems before the Cash For Clunkers program ? I believe we all would have known beforehand if so many Toyotas weren't built right here in the U.S.
To provide gov. assisted sales and steering the buyers away from Toyota at the same time might have prompted them to close all of their plants here.
I also believe any foreign industry would pull out of the states at the drop of a hat. They do us a favor by providing jobs here. Arragements, concessions, whatever you wish to call it, government is business. Business is money.

You forgot one thing, who is going to buy their cars? Why do you think they want an American consumer? What other countries can support the kind of auto sales that they are used to?
Doing us a favor, yea right. All they care about is the American dollar. If they could make more money elsewhere, they would leave the USA at the drop of a hat.
How come everybody wants to blame it on a conspiracy theory, but don't want to think it might just be old simple greed.