$ price of life $

..It is sad to say but buy a 2010 taurus or impala comapered to a accord or camry and drive it for 6 years and see what the trade in values are? ..

It's not fair to compare a Taurus or Impala to an Accord or Camry. You should be comparing a Fusion or Malibu to the Accord and Camry, these cars are all equivalent in size and market focus.

Plus a Fusion or Malibu comparably equiped to an Accord or Camry is going to be $3k cheaper not including the more lucrative incentives that are typical from the American brands or the better warranties. After 6 years and 90-100K miles I find it hard to believe that there is going to more than a $3k difference in the value of cars in the same shape.

I think the one thing this unintended acceleration issue Toyota has had to deal with is it will knock them down off the quality pedestal they have been sitting on for so many years that just isn't justified any more.