Spring Fling XXVI: April 17 & 18, 2010 Van Nuys CA -FABO roll call/meetup

ok you're killing me!....Will REALLY try for next year then.
I know Dwight is going with Mark....I used to own that 70 300 convertible.
We always go to Vegas (closer?) then never seem to have time/money to turn around and go to the Fling....
That cruise looks like alot of fun!

Well, ask Mark and Dwight...

Take one year for a change of scenery.

Do you like used parts? Swap is over 4 times the size and there is no pre-show setup day where other swappers buyout all the good deals before you get there. We let them all in at 7:00am so as to give everyone a fair chance. Also our swap meet spots are only $45. So common everyday joes can cleanout there garages of parts at reasonable prices. When you charge $100 minimun for a spot, you're going to get mostly professional-like resellers (higher prices).

Do you like shaded trees and soft grass to walk on?

Do you like FREE spectator admission? That would pay about pay for the addition miles to L.A. if you were traveling with 2-3 people.

Glance through these show pics: http://public.fotki.com/wackydave/car_shows/car-shows-2008/spring-fling-xxii/