Things I do at car shows
Some of the junk comes with the territory. So I've divided it into what I like to do and what I don't like to do.
Things I like to do at car shows:
- Take pictures of cars and people.
- Hang out with old buddies.
- Meet new people who have similar interests. It has been a real kick to walk around with someone and help them appreciate the other cars in the show, as well as mine.
- Look at the cars - to get ideas I might want to incorporate. It is also a kick for me to be invited over to look at another car and be asked for suggestions.
- Look at the ladies - a good form, a pretty smile, and a sunny disposition are ageless. Thanks for coming to the show.
- Check out the vendors tables/swap stuff - usually late in the day, unless there's something I HAVE TO GET.
- Have my car judged - Sometimes, I like to see how a critic responds to my work. Sometimes, I like to/get to judge.
- Encourage young guns. When something is good, say so. Offer helpful suggestions. (I remember when I had more time than talent or money.)
Things I don't like to do at car shows:
- Chase uncontrolled kids off my ride. I'll let them in with Mom and Dad supervising for photo ops and such.
- Listen to some dweeb go on ad nauseum. The ones I dislike most are the ones that didn't bring or don't have a car in the show.
- See a car come out of an enclosed trailer, get judged, and go back in the trailer.
- Be concerned about some self-absorbed person damaging one of the cars.
- See people being disrespectful towards those who have gone to the trouble to clean up their car and show it.
- Clean up after those who are dropping trash, not picking up after kids and pets, etc.
- See anything in the swap meet labeled "RARE". It doesn't make we want it more or want to pay more for it. My cars are 37 & 38 years old. Don't insult my intelligence.
- Say goodbye when I'm having a good time.