Little $250 69 Valiant

Another day of wasting gas! Stayed home a bit more than yesterday, but that was just to do a bit of cleaning up on the Valiant. I had some exhaust work done the other day. As you all know, the headers on these things can be quite a pain. Well the idler arm, and center link were resting on the header. I had them "dimple" the headers to clear. It helped but didnt solve it all. I couldnt take it back right away cause they treated me really good price wise. Didnt have the balls to go back and say it wasnt quite good enough! LOL
I got under it to find out where it was still hitting and it turns out that the passenger side pipe is only about a 1/4" from the trans cross member. When I give it gas and the motor torques, it moves that little bit and rests against the cross member and it resonates through the whole body. Really sounds bad. Fortunately it doesnt do it once you are up to a cruising speed or atleast once the RPMs are steady.
Either way, I am loving the fact that I can jump in it and just go! She may not be pretty yet, but at least I can enjoy it! Not only that, now that I can take it where ever I need, its a bit easier to get it to the places I need, in order to finish the remaining work. Mainly a friends house for the use of the welder, and then a friends Hot Rod shop in order to shoot it!
Erin (wife) took a ride in it on saturday, and was proven wrong as she thought it was an old pile. After we were in it for about 10 min. she said, "Wow, This rides really nice!" HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you got that right! I have put a lot of work into it! Just looks rough still!!!!
So Ill be taking it to work tomorrow, where they will be proven wrong as well! It has become the office joke that my car is a Myth! I have been talking about it for 2 years and they have yet to see it! Not really the "unveiling" look I had hoped for, but we are all engineers so they know it has to be made pretty after its made functional! LOL

Later guys! Im on cloud 9 right now about my car and lovin every bit of it! Im sure Ill have a hard time getting to sleep again!