Is everything got to be a joke

Quote: You've exposed youself and have been placed in the same category as me.

Hey Bill (aka Smallblock/Wingnut) does this mean that you're about to expose yourself, again, you know what happened the last time you did that (you swore up and down that the electro shock treatments cured ya) and seems to me we all told ya to stop it, sic bastard. :bootysha:

Now for the lighter side,,,,,,, "Bob" says that most of you need to get out more and for gods sake those of you who know who you are need to get a sense of humour and quit whining that people like "Bob" are disrespecting ya with their nasty or smart assed answers to your very important "the worlds going to end" questions. If we can't have a few laughs on this forum then I'm leaving and me and "Bob" are taking the server with us.:thebirdm: