New Mallory Ignition Box
Just installed a new ignition in my duster. I used to have a Mallory hifire6AL but I needed something that had a switchable retard for nitrous use. I got the next step up Mallory box and is it cool. It has 2 rev limiters, 1 for top end and one for start line, a retard for nitrous use, automatic start retard, an on off switch that is set for rpm, and a setting to check the accuracy of your tach. Of course it is multi spark and digital too. I feel like a kid with a new toy. It installed really easy, too. Now I don't have to drive around with my timing set back 8 degrees for the nitrous when I'm not using it. Now it automatically retards it the 8 degrees when I arm the nitrous system. Coupled with my remote bottle opener, it really makes using the spray on the street simple. I can arm the system, open the bottle, retard the timing, and purge the system in about 10 seconds. Ain't technology grand? Anyone interested in my old ignition box? Used only 1 season and works great, in original box with installation instructions. $100 plus shipping. pm me or email at
[email protected]