72 duster windshield help

Ok guys......here is the deal.

my 1972 duster windsheild in cloudy around the edges....not inside or outside but in side the glass it looks like......I am assuming there is no way to fix that so I already planned on eventually buying a new windshield.

but I am getting ready to paint my interior and in order to get a good shot at the dash to get even paint coverage its looking like I need to pop the windshield out.

I already got all the chrome trim off around the windsheild (which by the way many of the clips were junk or had rusted ....anyone know where I can get new).

My main question is....how do I get the darn window and gasket out of the car? LOL

I am sure many have asked this question and got an answer and I am sure many have done this job ....so I am hoping someone can fill me in on it and possibly post pictures or direct me to a thread that has the step by step process.

Thanks all!