can't believe what I heard....

We were sitting on the deck at the cottage yesterday having a few drinks and my wife said to me "you know what you should do with the money from the last job? You should go and get your car painted." I just bout pooped my pants! And if that wasn't enough she said we should think about moving in a couple of years and getting a place with a 3-4 car garage so i have somewhere to work on my car. Ok, what the hell brought this on? Anyway she is at least thinking the right way and i thought I was going to have to have a long discussion with her. This is good,very good.8)

Do it Dave BEFORE she changes her mind. Get the Fish painted and promise her the first the car I mean. Must be when she passed us on the way to the Mopar meeting and saw those two cool guys you were with and thought your car should be nice and freshly painted like theirs