milling 360 heads

.........Then have them angle milled, then u dont have 2 do anything with the intake side of the head or the intake.................if ur 360 is apart have them offset grind the crank, easiest way 2 more cubes and

why do I not think that will work....

Because you know very well that if you angle mill the head and change it's angle that the intake meets he'll have to mill the intake not only on the bottom but also the mating surface to the head with possible oil leakage from the attaching hardware.

This operation is best done with the whole engine at the shop so the machinest can take a good look at exactly what is being done and how much to cut on the intake at the new angle. After he sets it up in the machine, he'll have to cut the entire face down and not just a partial ethier.

the intake only has so much meat on the side so he must have it in hand with the engine assembled to a long block status. He'll also need to look at the heads and know exactly how much was cut and is left to calculate the new depth and angles present.

This operation is not cheap or quick and barley worth the expense.