Scoop Decision
As I have been building this car over the years a hood scoop has always been part of the plan. If anything just for the aggressive look.
I do not have hood clearence issues and will be running a custom cold air intake system drawing from the rad support. The scoop will mainly serve as an engine compartment temp control allowing heat to vent / drawing cool air down and under sitting /moving respectfully. As well as adding some personality so to speak.
Over time I have acquirred a Sixpack scoop and a Dual Snorkel scoop. To tell the trueth neither one really feels right to me on this car.
I have since purchased a scoop I feel will fit the bill.
Low profile, the prerequisite aggressive look as well as integrated turn signals.
I'm by far not a purist in a pedigree sense, as I already have Furd brakes, this is where I'm at in the moment.
If you squint the eyes you can almost envision it I think.
Of course the 351 badging will be replaced by 408 badging.