canada customs

To be honest your package is prolly not sitting at CBSA customs. 99% of the time it's sitting in a Postal warehouse waiting for enough mail to go your way so they can fill one truck. Thats why ground shipping sucks.

I'm glad I really don't know alot of you personally, as I'd be conflicted on what to do when I see you since you've admitted to smuggling over 13% in taxes. Is your life, job and shame not worth more than 13% taxes and a fine or even jail time? Seriously?

Here's a tip for you. Remember your exemptions, at 24 hours across you get $50 or less. If spend over $50 you have to pay taxes on the full amount.

At 48 hours you get a $400 exemption plus you can bring back a bottle of alcohol or a case of beer and a carton of cigerettes.

At 7 days or more you can bring back $750 worth of goods plus a bottle/case and a carton.

*** More info:

I do what 340swinger does. I have my packages shipping to a US destination and I go over and pick them up and pay my taxes on the way back. Remember not all officer's are bad guys, some might even let you go with what you declare.


What a coincidence talking about honor and Integrity , First off I agree there are some good folks working the border on our side but there are also some real Douches case in point I returned to Canada after 12 years and stayed in Windsor during the Direct TV reprogramming day's ,I made several trips to central MI for Sony sat packages one time we had 11 in the bed of the truck in the open and 2 on the seat between us when asked at the border we honestly told the gal we were bringing back a few sat dish's she waved us through no duty , then a month later my then wife had 4 more new packs for the guy who conducted your annual performance review {#2 at CBS in Windsor at the time I believe, now retired }and his brother a senior guy at CSIS my wife got a bad vibe and refused to bring them over the bridge and made the brother meet her on the US side to get them sure enough she got tore apart at the border the first and only time a CBS officer gave her anything but a smile and a wave , coincidently the next week I got jerked over going the other way with a load of cabinets what a couple of douche bags those 2 were ,screwing with my wife and I all the while smuggling cuban's with the US customs guy's and that lebanese POS across the street on University ave