63 Valiant, 66 Dart 270 in Salvage Yard
Valiant Research, I'm sorry to say all these cars have been sent to China a long time ago. They were at a You Pullit yard, and they turn iron over about every 60 days.
What I meant about the big, bulky items isn't that I have a problem with selling them, I just hated to guess what a freight company or Greyhound/Trailways would charge to ship them. Assuming the bus companies will accept something as large as doors or a hood. I've never tried shipping items this large, so I am/was a little hesitant.
If the buyer is willing to pay for shipping, I'm game, I'm just trying to be considerate. A strange concept these days, but I try to treat people as I would like be treated.
The buyer does pay for shipping, but the seller has to do all the research to do it, and faces the problems of packaging and finding a shipper. I don't do this for a living, but to drum up spare cash for the hobbies. I had a lot of time off after I tore my rotator cuff, but before I could have surgery, and that's when these cars showed up.
If someone has experience shipping stuff like this, by all means drop me a PM and inform me.
The seats.
I had taken the bucket seats out of the Valiant, but the guy who said he wanted them backed out, and after having them sit around for a month, I took the chrome off of them and trashed the rest. They frames were in pretty rusty, poor condition anyways. And smelled like mice...
I bought a bunch of stuff off these cars, the stuff I thought would have value, because I realise in some parts of the country old cars are gone and parts are hard to find, but I didn't realise to what extent until I joined this forum! Some of it was too good to see crushed, it's not easy to find nice parts even in Nebraska thanks to city cleanup efforts and the money to be made by towing companies.
I think that's where all this came from, usually all that's in the Mopar car rows are minivans and front drive junk. These came as a surprise.
BTW, I still have a lot of these parts 2 years later, they are for sale in the new For Sale sections.
Alan Hynes
aka alan627b