So much for that toyota quality..
Well, the argument part for me stems from the fact that our media has in the past blown up every little negative thing they could find about GM, Ford and Chrysler while burying any negatives about Japanese vehicles.
Because of that most people don't realize that a high number of recalls are not new for Toyota. They have been a recall leader for the past 3 or 4 years. It was not until people actually died from one of the problems that it made the national news!
Misinformation is a very dangerous tool! Look at our most recent presidential election. Would the people who voted for Obama have done so if he would have told the truth? I don't think so but he still got elected! How does this relate? Well, if you here constantly told how good a particular car is and you buy it only to find out it's not what they claimed....ya get where I'm going here? LOL The bs ads from all the manufacturers are bad enough but you know where they are coming from. You know up front that they are biased. When the media is doing it, it's just wrong so if I and others seem to be enjoying Toyota's problems right now, we are! I love it!