Dash Pads

So, does he actually have the pad in stock? B,E, and A and PG Classics share many of the same parts. I have been going round and round since last Sept. on that 1968 pad. Everytime I call (and have called many times) all they can say is "soon." Mainly due to the fact that the part was coming from China and they didn't have any sort of delivery date. Please let me know what you find out about this. I need to order one myself.

I called Mike about the last of Feb, He said the first of April . I have been holding off calling again. He said that the proto type that came back wasn't quite right ,so he sent it back. He said when it came back with adjustments it was perfect. I think hes up and up. Just a little anal which is o k. I prefer anal and good quality. I'll give him a call Friday and see whats up. If you hear anything let me know also.