So much for that toyota quality..

America's love affair with the automobile has a new spark -- a renewed affection for U.S.-made cars after a long dalliance with foreign automakers.

I disagree. There is no renewed affection for anything. This is crapaganda plain and simple. Not like there isnt truth to toyotas screwups...
All new cars are **** in general. Doesnt matter whether it's a toyota, a dodge, ford, or gm. They are all crap. I am unbiiased. I wont buy anything.

This is political. It's the beginning of a massive trade war with asia and escalation from there. Mark my words.

When toyota was over here selling like hotcakes and lining pockets, anyone in the media reporting anything counterproductive about toyota would have been slit from their *** to their ear and chucked in the river.
That's a fact.