Ignition timing

I had Don and FBO systems curve a distributor for my setup, and I also bought his ignition. I have the car running and all, but I figured what the heck call Don at FBO and see what intial timing should be, after all I want to get the most out of my combo. I called him and he said to set the ignition at 24 degrees @ 950-1050 RPM(idle) and total should be 34 degrees @ 3000-3200rpm. Now total sounds right, but 24 intial sounds like a lot. I am not second guessing Don as he obvisouly knows what he is doing, and it shows by hom much his race car wins, just wanting to see what other people think about this. Like I said 24 sounded like a lot, But if Don says it needs that much I will try that tomorrow when I'm working on the car.