Demon, Stock or not?

Mike, car looks great..You have done alot over the the little time you have had your car..I think I am going to roll along with doing the car over interior, paint and so on and then maybe a swap a motor..? I am going to stick with white, not to many white demons, black stripes and white steel wheels..Thanks to a member here I got 4 wheels coming...I just put 4 steel wheels on the dart conv, looking good.. Still neeed a dash pad for the demon, anyone??

Thank you HAUK67, I thought I was moving along at a slow pace :toothy10:
I think this will be the third year :read2:
I myself like white car's :cheers: They stay cool and if there is any body work to be dun it's hard to see a small flaw. Remember the old saying
Do it right and paint it white :cheers: