Starting from scratch!

Hey all, although this is not for an A body...
I find FABO to be the all around best place to get answers...

I'm working on getting a '38 Dodge pickup resurrected, it now has a 12V generator and coil and ignition switch, that's it for wiring. And the starter is foot switch, not with ignition.

I need to know "everything" , LOL, I don't even have a fuse box.
I've had the engine running (although rough idle), but direct from battery.

Where do I go to buy a wiring harness and proper instructions, that would included voltage regulator, brake/signal lights, etc wiring? ( I suck @ wiring). So therefore I'm trying to follow the "KISS" rule. (Keep It Simple Stupid).

If I can get this puppy wired, I'm pretty much driving it, brakes and steering, exhaust and engine have all been done>

I need a windshield and drivers side glass and get the vacuum vipers functional for it to pass a safety inspection.

You fellows go ahead and shoot all you have, vendors, books, .02...

I would love to be driving this thing before the end of July.
I would love to say $ is no object, but unfortunately, like most of you, I have a fixed "play money" budget.

The plan is to eventually build a touring/custom type driver, IE: rack and pinion steering, and suspension. Fuel injected V8 (Hemi ?,... I wish).

I'm open to any suggestions, you guys lead me.
