Concealed Carry Class, Just Got Back

Lock your arm straight, to point. Lock your wrist. Don't bother with the sights. Look down your arm, that is what the gun is pointing at.
Always count how many times you fired. (new clip time) (trained by retired cops).

He came up behind us while on a stance on target (unloaded firearms) and whacked our arms from underneath. Those of us that were straight arming couldn't recover near as fast as those that had a true isocleces (bent elbows and push forward with right and pull back with left). Interesting stuff and yes, the instructor also added firing more shots than we had and expected us to reload and complete the instruction. Damn hard to do!

The straight arm point shooter in our group (the old colorado native guy) didn't do bad at all and beat me hands down in the quick fire but my shots were much better centered and when he said "Two to the head!", I got the target cold. Straight arm point shooter missed, but he did get the shots off quicker. Food for thought. :) Plus in the laser test, at position 3 he was always center of mass, I shot the perp in the balls almost every time until I learned to lean back like an old gunfighter, lol.