Safe to Remove Inner Fenders?

what do you need Inner or Outer fenders for, :thumbup:

Heck what do you even want a windshield or doors,for;
if your Really trying to save weight,
just use some Saran Wrap.

Oh and if your trying to go Fast, to save more weight,
get rid of the brakes.

It worked in the Movies anyways, for Burt Munro. ;)

Now, not being a Smartyas$, but trying to be helpful;

I would suggest looking at the cowl area, and see if it will flex,
if you remove too much of the support for it.

I would bet there is a point of removal of metal,
with not good results.

Are you making this a Full frame car,
like a Nascar setup,
whearas the fenders/roof etc, are just there for wind resistance??