incomplete 833 help?

Your 833 tranny is out of a 76 mopar as the 10,000 day calender date of 5333 is toward the end of the 76 year,as a refernce,june 31 1974 is 4720.It is a 833 so it is a four speed and not a OD unit.Does it have a vin number stamped above or below the PP833 number,if so post it,if not,its a replacement tranny.The PP is for new process.Check for a 8 digit number ,which is the last numbers of the vin,and a four digit number after 5333 which will be the sequence number for that built of tranny that day.You should measure your front bearing retainer diameter to see the spec and compare it to the spec on the year one web site,this helps to ID the tranny,mrmopartech