So much for that toyota quality..
Thats true Ramenth!
Car companies outsource for their parts from all over the world including the USA. The parts that failed on Toyotas in America may have even been American made-no one knows yet. Take a look at the youtube vid and check the "dependability" of the Hilux-aweeeeessooooommmmeeee!
You can buy a Japanese car made in America and you're providing jobs for Americans. If everyone only worked for the big three, think of how many people would be unemployed.
The argument doesn't really hold water when thats the case. As far as I am aware, Dodge and Chrysler are German owned, GM is partly woned by the US govt. and part Canadian owned and Ford seems to be the only truelly American owned company.
MAybe Ford is the only way to go then with the all American buying rule, with worldwide components.