Gear drive

Gary, I don't have a sound byte but have been running the Milodons on my small blocks for nearly 20 years. There are definite pros/cons to them. As far as sound goes, they are not nearly as loud/whiny as applicaions that have thin aluminum covers. The SB timing chain cover dampens quite a bit of the noise. If you like the whine that a gear drive produces, you'll be happy with it.

Thank you for your reply on the gear drive. I think I will have to hear the Milodon unit in a Mopar small block before I decide which way to go since the amount of acceptible/likeable "whine" is a subjective experience. I have the Milodon unit sitting right next to my Rollmaster timing set so I have the option to go either way.

Based on your lengthy experience with the Milodon, what are the pros and cons?

Thanks again for all your help.
1967 Dart GT w/340
(12 sec. street cruiser)
1956 Plymouth
402" Poly 318 Stroker motor