Had a great day/week/month,let's hear about it

:salute:This is not something that happened to me but a new friend. I lost the best friend I ever had in March so I kinda worry about friends. My friend and neighbor is a police officer and on the SWAT Team. This morning he participated in a "no knock" entry on a crack dealers home. That home being close enough where we heard the flash bangs and bullhorns. The "homeowner" has been in prison for attempted murder, has shot people and been shot, and carries all the time.
We see the TV shows about SWAT but don't realize the worry that takes place with family and friends of those officers. I knew "something" was to go down but not specifics. When I got the text message this AM that he was OK, I felt almost the same relief as when my wife got the first "all clear" after her breast cancer.
If anyone happens to be enjoying a libation this evening, raise a toast to the officers serving on our behalf.