440 Stealth Heads with Comp Cam Springs?

Another 1,600 plus cash spent today....inconclusive meeting with machine shop
I took the head to the machine shop...just so happens they were porting a set of stealth heads while I was there...he thought that the head gasket wasn't compressed very much but I disagreed..he also thought there were no visable leaks on the head but agreed to go ahead and pressure check it for pin holes...no rust lines seen on the inside of the heads....water resides all of the time were the rust lines showed up on the gasket, the deck and the head...I never had any water coming out of the outside of the heads either........

Today I went ahead and ordered the eddys...84cc...new valley and gaskets....the Z1009 head gaskets and some 45 degree spark plug boots.....because the new spark plug holes are at angles......