
keep it over there, it's been it the 50's here thru the day and 30's at night:angry7: but it's warming up now and going to be in the 70's-80's this weekend:cheers:
now I just need to escape from work so I can work on the scamp.

They something a few days ago that this weekend will be cool and wet here. Bummer. Have fun on the scamp! I need to get this stupid Jeep done (It's my daily driver) before I can start on my Duster. My RC runs but it's so loud on the highway it makes my head ring. I've got a plan to solve that though but it won't be cheap.

that sounds like what they were saying last night on the news. it is in the mid 30's and raining lightly west of Spokane.

Yep, mid 30's here too. :blah5: It keeps changing from snow to rain to snow to rain, it doesn't know what the heck to do.