My [Ideally] Authoritative Auto to 4 Speed Documentation Thread

Shoooooot. I pulled my front seat quick this afternoon to look at placement for the shifter hump. I knew already that my passenger side floorpan had been done [somewhat roughly], but when I ripped out the rubber floor mat completely this is what I found. I guess I'll be putting in some new floor metal before I start cutting any out to install the shifter hump...

The last picture is the biggest bummer. Although the patches themselves are pretty hairy, they are at least solid still. This junk behind the brake pedal can be poked through with a finger, so it NEEDS to be done in the next few weeks.

Does anybody know of a blooming money tree anywhere in the Minneapolis area? :cheers:

On a lighter note than rotten floor mat backing and rusty pans, I'm pleased with how the repaint on my shifter hump went. The unpainted tabs all around the lip are where I'll weld it. I'm not going to fully weld the hump in case I ever get rich and decide I want to build an all-out drag car with an automatic.