My 62 Valiant

Well I've been kinda thinkin, maybe a Rat Rod them. Keep the paint and body the way it is, fix the floors with road signs, get just the drivers seat re-done and clean up the rest. I seen on tv the other day that thiers a company that takes your original radio, and puts all the new technolgy do dads in side of it so you can have like a am/fm radio with like a ipod jack, or something along those lines. (thats how it came across to me)
Then leaving the slant 6 in their but adding a bigger cam, 4 barrel and headers.
Then put the original 13s and hubcaps in the front, and run 14s or something in the back, and up grading the brakes and maybe rear end.
Put most of the chrome back on it, and what ever pieces i dont have just leave off.(It came with a bunch of pieces in the trunk, along with extra windows!!)
Also finding a rear bumper for it.
But its just an idea.
Let me know what you think.