Dash Pads, Custom, BOF's & FOTO's, Padded & Button tucked!

Dude- Corona? Really? Tsk tsk tsk... :sad3:

Just kidding- nice work!

There's a time to drink cherry pepsi and a time to drink Corona!!:clock:

Cherry Pepsi wouldn't begin to cover it at that very moment. LOL!!8)
I had moved table and dash into the sun for stretch. ABB ask, what's all this wet stuff all over the dash? (she was still looking down at dash while she was holding and hadn't seen me, drenched in sweat, heart palipatating, head tingleing, pantin' like a dog, I barley managed to get out of my mouth...
"Baby, please go get me a beer before I pass out!"
When she looked up and saw my face, she let go of the dash and made a bee line to the fridge! I'm pretty sure my face was lacking color and closly resembled slate gray. Wrestling black vinyl in the 80 degree direct sun....not how I figured I would pass on!!8)

Thanks for the kind words.
Have a great day!:-D