Brazilian Dodge Dart 76 (similar to 69 usa)

let me try to explain

brazilina charger front end have 3 main pieces

first.. headlight plate . a flat sheet metal plate where are fixed 2 headlights and a turn signal

second... grill bezel.. The picute I sento is a fiberglass repro.. pretty good. In this bezel, we fiz the grill

third.. the grill.. there is a lot of models.. I thinks about 5 different models as we can see in pictures I uploaded

hope to help you to decide for a brazilian front-end

ahh, one more thing.. in brazil, parts are expensive.. as we sold a small number of cars compared to US chrysler in 70's
e.g., fiberglass5 bezel - $300.00 US dollars
grill ...allmost 200$ each side..

pretty expensive I think.. thats one reason I dicided to buil a USA 68 clone.. the second reason.. we do not have any front end similar to 68.. so I will be unique!




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